Marie's blog

Graduate Highlight - Erin Nadolski

Having others' support could allow you to accomplish goals you never thought possible on your own. With someone at your side to listen after a hard day and give advice and encouragement, it becomes easier to make it through challenges. For recent Stautzenberger College graduate Erin Nadolski, having a support network changed the course of her future.

Instructor Highlight - Chris Greene

The quality of a class often hinges on the teacher. That's why at Stautzenberger College, we take the hiring process very seriously. We seek instructors who understand and can communicate to students the necessary concepts, philosophies, and principles for their educational, personal, and professional development. One such instructor is Brecksville's Chris Greene.

Graduate Highlight - Noelle Moore

Any dog owner could tell you how seeing wagging tails when you're feeling down could brighten your day. For some people, dogs could even change the course of their lives. After 52-year-old Noelle Moore suffered from her fifth heart attack, she knew she would have to make some lifestyle changes, including a less stressful career. She was not sure what that job would be until she received some visitors in the hospital.
