Giving Thanks to Medical Professionals

Every Thanksgiving, you look forward to sharing dinner with family and friends. This year, less people are at the table because they couldn't travel. Instead of discussing their aspirations, accomplishments, and stories from the last few months, everyone is wondering what's open and where they can buy hand sanitizer. That's when you chime in.
“I've enrolled in Stautzenberger College's medical assistant program,” you announce. “In less than ten months, I could be working at a hospital and helping everyone deal with the pandemic.” Today, there are over 2,050 Medical Assistant jobs listed on in Ohio.
Everyone has questions now. “Did you tour the school yet?” “When do you start?” “Did you receive financial aid?” “What's the job outlook for medical assistants?”
We are grateful for our medical professionals, and you have a chance to become one. Don't let events out of your control ruin the holiday season and your outlook on life. You could find hope for the future and bring families together by choosing a healthcare career. The medical field is expanding, and you could be the one to assist patients in need.
We know it's not always easy to start a new career, especially during uncertain times. However, some of our students who have enrolled since March say it was the best decision they ever made. Instead of keeping their fingers crossed, hoping they would be called back to their old workplaces, they pursued their career calling. Now, they are nearly ready to jump into the medical field.
Our next start date is December 7th. Good news—it's not too late for you to enroll! We offer many medical diploma programs such as: central sterile processing technology, medical office billing and coding, patient care technician, and practical nursing. Stautzenberger College also has associate degree programs for those seeking to further their careers. Call 888.859.8225 or submit our Request Information form online to learn more. Contact us today—we'd love to discuss all our medical program options with you! Retrieved 11/20/2020
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