Why Get Your Associates Degree At Stautzenberger College?

Why Get Your Associates Degree At Stautzenberger College?
On March 08, 2018

Why choose Stautzenberger College for your degree? While other schools may cram your schedule full of electives, we streamline your experience so you learn the essentials in a timely fashion. Success strategies and other basic, but critical, courses are taught by Ms. Megan Norwalk.

No stranger to the classroom, Ms. Norwalk has been teaching in a variety of capacities for the past ten years. Megan received her Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in interpersonal communication from Bowling Green State University. She then earned her Master of Arts in psychology from the University of the Rockies. Currently enrolled at Northcentral University, she is pursuing her doctoral degree in psychology.

Four years ago, Ms. Norwalk became a part of the Stautzenberger family. She has been teaching psychology, critical reading and thinking, student success strategies, and professional success strategies. Through her clear teaching style and compassionate attitude, she has successfully made material accessible for students of all educational backgrounds.

Ms. Norwalk would define her teaching strategies as unconventional, saying, “I teach past rote memory, beyond outcome assessments; I provide ongoing evaluations of student performances and enhance their college experiences. I want to be the person students look to when they need someone who understands their struggle and can help them navigate obstacles. I continuously strive to understand and communicate more effectively with students and provide a platform of enthusiastic, supportive learning, while providing assignments that require critical thinking and resourcefulness.”

Ms. Norwalk is a recent recipient of the Ohio-Michigan Association of Career College and Schools 2017 Outstanding Faculty Member Award. Passionate about cultivating successful students, she engages them in a dynamic, interactive environment. Through empowerment and support, she helps students become zealous about learning and achieve the results they desire.

Want to connect with Ms. Norwalk at our Maumee Campus? To arrange a meeting, simply submit our request information form. Ms. Norwalk is always eager to hear from potential students, so do not delay!  If you live closer to our Brecksville Campus, our passionate instructors want to meet you too; call us today.

You might click out of this window. You might go about your day and forget that you read this. You may push off submitting the request information form until later; but, in five years, will you regret not taking action today


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