How to Become Empowered

How to Become Empowered
On August 20, 2020

Do you wish you had woken up this morning with more motivation? You're not alone. Even the most inspiring individuals sometimes feel uninspired. How do you become empowered about a new career?

First, ask yourself the following questions:

1. Are you working?
2. Did you lose your job recently?
3. Do you think you may not be hired back at your old job?
4. Were you really happy with the job you had?
5. Was there room for advancement in your former career path?

If you answered “no” to any of the preceding questions, you have an opportunity to grow! The Stautzenberger College staff is here for you as you navigate your career options. Here are some small steps you could take today to improve your professional life:

1. Fill out a Request Information form online—Then an admissions representative will make an appointment to speak with you. When you have a free hour to talk, the representative will go over the pros of each career program SC offers to find the right career training for you.

2. Prepare for your appointment—Being on time is easier than ever now that appointments are held via phone or Zoom. Write a list of questions for careers that interest you.

3. Be excited—It may sound simple, but having a positive attitude is the only way you will become motivated.

4. Check your email—As part of the Stautzenberger family, you'll be kept up-to-date with the latest school news. You may receive emails about your future instructors or students who graduated from your selected program.

5. Choose your start date—Many programs begin every five weeks!

6. Be proud of every accomplishment—Once you start your program, you'll meet other students, learn about new topics, and tackle projects. Let every one of these achievements build your excitement for your new career!

Finally, never be afraid to ask for help. We could help you find low-cost childcare, connect with a tutor, apply for financial aid, and practice for job interviews. Stautzenberger College is not just a school but also a family. We want all our students to know they have someone to reach out to when they are losing motivation. We want every student to become empowered.


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