Meet Our Instructor - Mary Mould, M.Ed, RVT

Doesn't your pet deserve the best? As loving members of our families, our animals should be safe and feel comfortable when receiving checkups and care. That's why Mary Mould, M.Ed, RVT is committed to training the next generation of veterinary technicians and groomers.
Mary has been teaching distance education for over 20 years. In 1999, she graduated from the St. Petersburg College Distance Program as a registered veterinary technician. Later, she returned to earn her bachelor's in veterinary technology and master's in distance education. Classes that Mary has taught include behavioral medicine, grooming, animal welfare, clinical pathology, and radiography. “I feel this experience as an instructor and student has been extremely helpful in understanding my students and the different variables that go along with distance learning,” Mary notes.
In 2020, Mary began teaching for the American Higher Education Development Corporation schools. Today, she is proud to be the lead instructor for the veterinary assistant/grooming program. Whether she is instructing or helping students navigate their new career programs, she always stays busy. Mary is also an associate professor at San Juan College, where she teaches clinical pathology and radiography. Additionally, she writes curricula for Tarleton State University's bachelor's programs. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband as well as her best furry friend, Lillybean.
Want to learn more about our veterinary assistant and grooming diploma program? Call 888.859.8225 or submit our Request Information form online. Mary could help you earn your diploma from home in as little as nine months!
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